Video of a soccer game
Professional Workflows
Consumer Interfaces

Create and operate 24x7 broadcast quality channels with tools that are as simple to use as the ones you use every day. Consumer grade tools designed for professional workflows.


Create and operate 24x7 broadcast quality channels with tools that are as simple to use as the ones you use every day. Consumer grade tools designed for professional workflows.

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An image of different elements coming together, including video, metadata, subtitles, and artworkAn image of a video screen with all metadata combined

The control center for your FAST channel business - real time alerts and notifications, monitor stream health and quality, and manage your channels’ distribution lifecycle.

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A simplified screenshot of the Connect tool with no issues

A complete content management system. Review content for quality, verify captions and thumbnails, edit metadata, and run ad detection utilities.

Featuring smart drag and drop, continuous search, and bulk editing.

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A simplified screenshot of the Manage tool showing the video from Ingest

Automatically create advertising pods and time programs in a few clicks. Quickly insert promos and dynamically adjust ad timing with the Magic Wand tool.

Your content will be ready for air within minutes.

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A simplified screenshot of the Program screenA simplified screenshot of the Program screen with an ad pod slotted in by the magic wand tool

The most intuitive scheduling system available. Designed around a simple desktop calendar interface, you can drag and drop, smart copy and paste, reuse existing schedules, and remove programming gaps with a single click.

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A simplified screenshot of the Schedule tool with a highlighted block where the soccer program is

Dynamically insert real-time motion graphics overlays up to 4K on your channels with triggers.

Using Frequency templates or custom designs, elements can be placed anywhere in frame with different animations and timings. Once setup, you never have to worry about placing graphics in a program.

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A simplified screenshot of the Graphics modal with some demo graphics overlaid on the preview screen

Create and operate 24x7 broadcast quality channels with tools that are as simple to use as the ones you use every day.

Consumer grade tools designed for professional workflows.

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A photo of a family watching television, with the soccer video playing on screen

Real time actionable performance data. Clear metrics, simple graphs, and downloadable data. View content consumption, advertising effectiveness, and distribution performance.

Actionable insights at your fingertips to optimize your channels and grow your business.

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A simplified screenshot of the Analyze tool, with a bar highlighted to show where the soccer program is


Global Distribution Network

Channel worldwide viewership and revenue through the world’s leading streaming television platforms

Comprehensive Distribution

Maximize Your Global Reach and Platform Discovery

Connect your content to a vast network of destinations, ensuring seamless integration, maximum exposure, enhanced visibility and audience scaling potential. Our extensive reach increases visibility, allowing your channel to be easily discovered and distributed across multiple platforms. With a robust infrastructure, we effortlessly adapt to growing audience demands, ensuring your content is always ready for expansion and easy for platforms to find.

Optimized Performance and Reliability

Advanced Search and Filter Options

Distributors can quickly locate channels by creator, genre, or series, facilitating straightforward discovery.

Simplified Channel Discovery and Management with CONNECT

Frequency CONNECT provides a transparent and sleek environment for distributors to discover and engage with new channels while enabling content owners to monitor and manage their stream distribution.

Real-Time Collaboration

Enable seamless, real-time collaboration for tracking and managing channel deployment, ensuring your content reaches its maximum potential.

Advanced Search and Filter Options

Distributors can quickly locate channels by creator, genre, or series, facilitating straightforward discovery.

CDN Flexibility

Deliver content efficiently worldwide with a flexible content delivery network. Our advanced infrastructure ensures high-quality streaming and proactive performance management, maintaining the highest standards of content processing and distribution.


CONNECT provides a transparent environment for distributors to effortlessly discover and engage with new channels. With CONNECT, distributors can seamlessly "connect" with channel creators with just a single click, viewing channel marketing materials as well. CONNECT serves as a centralized hub for distributors and channel creators to easily monitor the health of all their channels and connections.

Quickly discover newly-launched channels

Easily search or filter by specific channel creator, genre, series, and more

Obtain full visibility into each channel's existing distribution

Browse through channel marketing materials

Utilize real-time collaboration tools for tracking channel deployment status

Key Customers

Frequency is the platform of choice for the world’s leading broadcasters, sports leagues, platforms, and media companies. Our global distribution network spans FAST, vMVPDs, SVODs, OTT, and more, reaching all Tier 1 global platforms and ensuring your content achieves maximum reach and impact.

Our Commitment

As an Amazon customer, distributor, and cloud compute and infrastructure provider, Frequency is proud to be part of the AWS Partner Network. Our AWS-specific architecture ensures that our services are optimized for performance and reliability, supporting the needs of content owners and rights holders globally.

Explore how Frequency's Global Distribution Network can unlock the full potential of your streaming content, connecting you to millions of viewers around the world.

See Frequency Studio in Action

Contact us today to learn how Frequency Studio can enhance
your streaming television strategy.